Welcome! My name is Adam Konkol, and I'm a Churchill Scholar at the University of Cambridge. I'm researching biological physics under Professor Raymond Goldstein.
Photo: The sun, taken from Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh, Scotland
September 2021
About Me
Research from Oct 2017 - Present
I study the theory of vascular development in organisms with Eleni Katifori after working on disordered protein characterization under Doris Wagner. My current work focuses on network models for blood vessel morphology, tidal river deltas, and COVID-19 spread in the United States.
Fall 2018 - Present
I love to teach, and I taught introductory physics lab for four semesters. I also teach a weekly workshop for introductory organic chemistry, and work with local high school students whenever I can.
Nature enthusiast
I love to go hiking and camping, but unfortunately attending a city university doesn't make that easy. I still try to go outdoors and see wildlife whenever I can. (Especially plants. I love plants.)
BA, University of Pennsylvania: 2017-2021
Vagelos Molecular Life Scholar in Biochemistry, Biophysics, Physics, and Mathematics. Contact for GPA.
MS, University of Pennsylvania: 2019-2021.
Physics, advised by Eleni Katifori. Contact for GPA.
MPhil, University of Cambridge: 2021-2022.
Physics, advised by Raymond Goldstein.
With funding from the Churchill Foundation.
PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 2022-
Applied Mathematics.
With funding from the NSF.
Teaching and work Experience
See below for researchData science intern, Springfield Capital Management: Summer 2021
- Researched quantitative methods to improve models for trading
Teaching assistant, University of Pennsylvania: Fall 2018 - Spring 2021
- Fall 2018: Two sections of Phys150 lab
- Spring 2019: One section Phys101 lab, one section Phys102 lab
- Fall 2019: Two sections of Phys150 lab
- Spring 2020: Two sections of Phys151 lab (moved online due to COVID-19)
- Fall 2020: Phys280, Physical Models of Living Systems
- Spring 2021: Phys516, Electromagnetic Phenomena
Organic chemistry workshop leader, University of Pennsylvania: Fall 2019 - Spring 2021- Led weekly workshops in organic chemistry problem solving for Chem241 (F19, F20), 242 (S20, S21)
Communication Within the Curriculum speaking advisor, University of Pennsylvania: Fall 2020 - Spring 2021- Following Coll135 (S20), the training course for future CWiC speaking advisors
- Advised students in the University Scholars research program run by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships
Tutor, University of Pennsylvania: Fall 2018
- Tutored students one-on-one in Phys150, Math114 through the Tutoring Center
Counselor and Staff Leader, Forestburg Scout Reservation: 2013-2017
- Developed programs for youth (aged 10-17) related to environmental sciences and nature
Intern, Cosmetic Essence Innovations: May-June 2017- Managed and reorganized the chemical supply
- Formulated and tested properties of new products
Builder, my home: 2016-2017- Self-taught demolition and renovation with my family as we rebuilt/remodeled five rooms in our home
- Experience in floors, walls, painting, lighting, design, and exterior
- Familiarity with roofing, masonry
Mini-course teacher, Science Leadership Academy: Fall 2019 - Spring 2021
- Led short, eight week exploratory science courses for Philadelphia ninth graders in fall 2019 and fall 2020 - spring 2021
- Led Public Speaking as part of the Coll135 community service course in spring 2020
Lab leader, Paul Robeson High School for Human Services: Fall 2019Local organizer, Borough of Union Beach: Summer 2016Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America: 2006-2017
Volunteer, Science Olympiad at the University of Pennsylvania: Spring 2018 - Spring 2021
Vagelos Happiness Project mentor, University of Pennsylvania: Fall 2019 - Spring 2021
Class of 2024 Peer Advisor, College of Arts and Sciences: Spring 2020 - Spring 2021
Research Peer Advisor, Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships: Fall 2020 - Spring 2021
Physics and Biophysics major advisor, College of Arts and Sciences: Spring 2020 - Present
Achievements and Honors
NSF GRFP, 2021-2026
Churchill Scholarship, 2021-2022
Dean's Scholar, 2021
Phi Beta Kappa, Pennsylvania Delta Chapter: 2021
Rose Undergraduate Research Award, University of Pennsylvania: 2021
Hydra Award, Penn Biochemistry: 2021
Goldwater Scholarship, 2020
Roy and Diana Vagelos Challenge Award (full tuition), University of Pennsylvania: 2019-2021
Roy and Diana Vagelos Molecular Life Scholar, University of Pennsylvania: 2017-2021
Hertz Fellowship semi-finalist, 2020
Seltzer Family Digital Media Award, University of Pennsylvania: 2020
John Hart Hunter Educational Foundation scholarship, Kappa Alpha Society: 2020
Dean's list, University of Pennsylvania : 2017-2019
National Eagle Scout Association Academic Scholarship: 2017
Attendee, Princeton CPBF Summer School, Summer 2019
Attendee, Neuromatch Academy, Summer 2020
In Preparation
Konkol, A., Schwenk, J., *Shaw, J. B. & *Katifori, E. Fluvial-tidal interplay captures the loopy morphology of real coastal channel networks. Manuscript in submission.
Konkol, A., Winn, A., Katifori, E. Signatures of local, inter-county disease transmission in the United States COVID-19 epidemic. Manuscript in preparation.
Konkol, A., Doré, C., & *Katifori, E. Loop formation in the brain surface vasculature as a consequence of transient hemodynamic fluctuations. Manuscipt in preparation.* principal investigator(s)
Published work
Jin, R., Klasfeld, S., Garcia, M. F., Xiao, J., Han, S., Konkol, A., Zhu, Y., & Wagner, D*. LEAFY is a pioneer transcription factor and licenses cell reprogramming to floral fate. Nature Communications. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20883-w
* principal investigator(s)
Konkol, A. Form from flow: How fluctuations shape network design. CURF Spring 2021 Research Fair. Poster by Adam Konkol.
Konkol, A., Schwenk, J., *Shaw, J. B., & *Katifori, E. (2020, December). Fluvial-tidal interplay captures the loopy morphology of real coastal channel networks. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Poster by Adam Konkol.
Shaw, J. B.,* Cathcart, C., Katifori, E.,* Konkol, A., Hale, R. P., Bain, R. L., & Wagner, W. (2019, December). Structure and dynamics of branching and looping channels on river deltas (invited). American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Presentation by John B. Shaw, San Francisco, CA.
* principal investigator(s)
Courses taken
At the University of Pennsylvania and prior
A note on this section
I previously listed the courses I've taken as an undergraduate by semester in this section. I've decided that it's much better to people just asked me instead! So ask me if you want to know my thoughts on any courses!
Instead, I've listed some extra stuff I've done instead.
- 4 years biology (IB Biology HL, Molecular/Agricultural Biotech, Cell Culture, genomics and bioinformatics)
- 3 semesters independent study (Intro to Research, Lab Skills, Advanced Experimental Design)
- 3 years chemistry (IB Chemistry HL)
Summer 2019
- Vagelos Molecular Life Sciences Seminar (1, pass/fail)
- Princeton CPBF Summer School
- Self-studied: Real analysis I (Rudin)
Summer 2020
- Vagelos Molecular Life Sciences weekly readings and responses (1, pass/fail for summer 2020 research)
- Neuromatch Academy
- Penn Physics & Astronomy Summer Academy
- Penn Summer Data Science seminar series
- Self studied topology, differential geometry (Rentlen 1-6)
- Self studied algorithms (CLRS)
COVID-19 spread in the United States
May 2020 - June 2021
A project from my biophysics class Phys580 has turned into a full research endeavor, where we are analyzing county-level data and developing a continuous model for epidemic spread from a physical perspective.
Konkol, A., Winn, A., Katifori, E. Signatures of local, inter-county disease transmission in the United States COVID-19 epidemic. Manuscript in preparation.
Investigating factors involved in delta formation
Jun 2019 - Sept 2021
I am collaborating with Professor John Shaw at the University of Arkansas to develop a theory of river delta formation by investigating dynamic features that produce the topological features we observe in nature.
Konkol, A., Schwenk, J., *Shaw, J. B. & *Katifori, E. Fluvial-tidal interplay captures the loopy morphology of real coastal channel networks. Manuscript in submission.
Konkol, A., Schwenk, J., *Shaw, J. B., & *Katifori, E. (2020, December). Fluvial-tidal interplay captures the loopy morphology of real coastal channel networks. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Poster to be given by Adam Konkol.
Shaw, J. B.,* Cathcart, C., Katifori, E.,* Konkol, A., Hale, R. P., Bain, R. L., & Wagner, W. (2019, December). Structure and dynamics of branching and looping channels on river deltas (invited). American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Presentation given by John B. Shaw, San Francisco, CA.
Characterizing and modeling mouse brain surface vasculature
Oct 2018 - August 2020
I have been studying our model for network development under fluctuating load by comparing to a well-studied system, the mouse brain surface vasculature. This has involved describing the statistical characteristics of experimentally observed architecture and comparing to simulated networks made with code I developed.
Konkol, A., Doré, C., & *Katifori, E. Loop formation in the brain surface vasculature as a consequence of transient hemodynamic fluctuations. Manuscipt in preparation.
Role and binding kinetics of intrinsically disordered transcription factor LFY
Jan 2018 - May 2019
I studied the biophysical properties of protein LFY, a transcription factor which controls the start of flower formation. My research focused in sequence analysis of the protein and the properties of recombinant variants in vitro.
Jin, R., Klasfeld, S., Fernandez, M., Xiao, J., Han, S., Konkol, A., Zhu, Y., & Wagner, D*. Licensing of cell fate reprogramming via LEAFY transcription factor pioneering activity. Nature Communications. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20883-w
Resources and materials from my teaching during undergrad
Organic chemistry workshop
Chem241/242 (Organic chem I/II)
I teach a weekend workshop in organic chemistry each Sunday. I taught Molander's section of 241 in fall 2019 and Smith's section of 242 in spring 2020. Past students can find my resources linked here, current students can find it on Canvas!
Phys516, Phys 280, Phys 101/102/150/151 lab
I taught introductory physics labs between fall 2018 - spring 2020 and work closely with the lab manager at Penn to develop the curriculum. I'm now teaching Phys516 (electromagnetism) with Phil Nelson!
Science Leadership Academy mini-course
Penn Sciences eight-week course in Fall 2019, 2020
I am independently teaching a recurring eight-week exploratory science course at Science Leadership Academy, a Philadelphia magnet high school. I also did in fall of 2019, and taught Public Speaking for one session during Spring 2020.
Contact Me
Chat with me!
Adam Konkol